Presentation Slide Databases

PowerPoint slide database creation

Set up a database of PowerPoint slides specific to your business and communication needs. The database can be controlled by read-only and editable rights, enabling you to control the changes to the slide library content. 

Your database of slides can be made available offline so you can work with the database offsite and have your changes synchronized when you get back to the office. Our unique tools enable you to navigate through your slide database from your desktop. Prices are quoted on a project basis. 

PowerPoint slide database management

Your slide database needs ongoing maintenance. Updating slides, changing look and feels, as well as adding new and deleting old slides. 

Work from a single source so the changes can be automatically fed into your presentation templates with DIGICoCo PowerPoint Presentation Management Solution

The Presentation Management Workshop trains your staff on managing this process or you can outsource to DIGICoCo!

CONTACT DIGICoCo for more information on managing your slide library of content

+2711 656 8528

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